Buyer Information & Catalog Request
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By purchasing a horse at the Cody Horse Sale, I verify that I have read the following Information and hereby agree to be bound by them.
Click Here to Request Catalog
CATALOG: Catalog Via Youtube) Printable catalog Link (Upload may be delayed).
Online "Horses for Sale" Pages (Up to 5 Video's & 12 Photo's plus Info)
VIDEO'S on YOUTUBE: Click here to View Video Playlist (one video of each sale horse)
LIVESTREAMING - Friday's - Ranch Horse Competition and Event Previews We will do our best to get all of Friday's events livestreamed.
BIDDING (We reserve the right to refuse bidding to anyone.)
***By obtaining a Buyer Number I accept the Conditions and Paragraphs throughout the website and in the printed catalog and understand the guarantee of any animals sold is strictly between the buyer and the seller.
1. All Bidders must be 21 years of age and be a customer in good standing.
2. All Bidders must have a current driver's license in order to obtain a Buyer's Number.
3. In Person Bidding
May 6 or 7th - 9am-5pm. Bid # Register at Jake Clark's MULE DAYS ARENA
in Ralston, Wyoming
May 8th - 10am+. Bid # Register at the Irma Hotel in the Governor's Room
4. WEBCASTING Does NOT Require Registration
Provider: Superior Livestock - CHS Link
Video: "How To Register" -How to register to bid online
All Phone or Internet Bidders will be assessed a 3% Bidder Convenience Fee and added to your Invoice.
Superior Productions Phone Bids: Buyer Registration Form

- Have Bank Provide a Letter Stating that "You are a Customer in Good Standing with or without a maximum dollar bid amount."
Have Bank send a "Verification of Account" or "Verification of Deposit"
Complete the Superior Productions Bank Registration Form
Send to Superior Livestock via:
Fax: (817) 378-3380
PHONE BID - CALL Superior Livestock 817-378-3334
PAYMENTS: (Payment must be made before animals are released for transport)
- IN PERSON Buyers - Types of Payment accepted: Cash or Cashiers Check, or Personal Check with bank letter verification of funds.
- OUT of TOWN Buyers - Types of Payment accepted:
- Wires are our preferred choice of payment:
> Payment must be wired Monday by NOON following the sale.
> Invoice will be sent advising you of the balance due along with wiring instructions.
> Receipt of payment required before paperwork and horse can be released for transport.
> OPTION: We are glad to email directly to your contact at the bank if you have made arrangements to have them handle the wire. Please provide your bank contact's email and contact name.
Wire Fee: Bank Wire Transfer Fee Domestic: $25 fee, International Fee: $45
- CREDIT CARD Payments will be accepted. 3.5% convenience fee will be charged on Visa, Mastercard and Discover Cards, a 4% convenience fee will be charge on American Express.
By making payment with your credit card or other means, you acknowledge that you waive the right for a return of horse(s) purchased with this AUCTION. You verify that you waive the right for any and all refunds of monies paid, etc in conjunction with any purchases at this sale/auction from Clark Management Company. Clark Management Company is a pass-through agency and does not hold funds for guarantees, returns or refunds of monies paid on animals purchased at auction. Return of a horse is only accepted with the rules and requirements adhered to within this document and/or published catalog.
For All other auction information, please contact Jake (cell) 307-272-6635 (about consignments) or Kay 307-754-4320 (paperwork or payment info)
We hope you find the horse that will best fit your needs and requirements.
Absolutely NO private sales with consignors either prior to the Sale or after the auction. Consignors have given Clark Management Company Exclusive Rights for selling the consigned Horses. Management feels this is unfair to the consignors and buyers who have traveled to attend the sale. All horses brought to the sale must be consigned and go through our auction ring.
ALL GUARANTEES only apply if the sale is run through the AUCTION. Be sure to come to the office to let us know you have made arrangements to purchase one of the horses that did not sell in the Ring to insure all sale GUARANTEES continue with your purchase.
After the Sale, we continue to try to sell the horses and will post them to Facebook and other area's to let potential buyers know what horses are still available. We do leave it up to the integrity of the seller to forward any commission on horses that go through the ring as no sales, but are sold because of the advertising and efforts of the Cody Horse Sale. We work hard to do right for both our buyers and our consignors and want to thank those consignors and buyers that possess the integrity to know that we have done a great job and will pay us according to their contract.
All Horses must obtain:
- Brand Inspections are REQUIRED on ALL Wyoming Sale Horses, ie: $13.50:
(AKA Ownership Papers) Form MUST BE OBTAINED from the Brand Inspector once you have paid for your horse, use your Paid Receipt to verify Payment
- Coggins are REQUIRED for transport OUT of Wyoming:
All horses consigned to Cody Horse Sale are required to provide a coggins test current within six months of sale date. (Coggins papers are provided by the consignor.)
- Health Papers are REQUIRED for transport OUT of Wyoming:
$10 Health (pick up immediately from Vet) or $150 International Heath (2 business days turnaround time)
A Veterinarian will be on the grounds to provide all horses going out of state a current Health Inspection once you have paid for your horse use your Paid Receipt to verify Payment.
LOCATION: BRAND INSPECTOR and VET, in the Irma Hotel's Governor's Room.
Payment for all purchases must be paid before animals will be released from the grounds with the proper paperwork.
The internet also has a number of equine transporters listed and you should be able to find one or more that travels to your location.
View the Horse Transportation Section for the following info:
"Need a ride" sign up sheet if you wish to have your name added, please email to be added to this list. Provide Name, State & Phone #.
"Can Haul" for anyone that is a Horse Transporter or Consignor that will provide hauling.
Animals that are rejected by the buyer because they are misrepresented in the ring will need to be inspected by Jake Clark and possibly Jake's veterinarian and and Jake will make the final determination whether there was misrepresentation. Must be returned to Jake Clark's Ranch on or before May 20, 2021, at noon.
Each Horse sold at Cody Horse Sale must be guaranteed sound by the consignor as follows:
Each consignor will be totally responsible for guarantees they make on their animals & guarantees will be made only from the auction block while the animal is being sold. Absolutely no guarantee or warranty will be expressed or implied by the auctioneers or ring men.
VET CHECK & SOUNDNESS does not guarantee a PrePurchase vet check on any horse. If the buyer wishes to have a PrePurchase vet EXAM, it MUST be arranged prior to the Sale, please contact the consignor and make arrangements with a vet near them or make an appointment with a vet at their location which will be at the buyers expense. A PrePurchase vet Exam is strictly between the Buyer and their Vet and the Consignor and does not imply or provide any type of guarantee as to the soundness of any horse sold at this Auction or this Auction Company.
BUYER'S will be responsible to pick up purchased horse from 7-10 days from sale date or make arrangements extended time for stalling and feeding at $10 per day.
The buyer assumes full ownership of the animal from the time it is sold in the sale ring and is responsible for proper feed and care.
Cody Horse Sale, Clark Management Company & its associates act as agents only and are not responsible for buyer/seller error or misunderstanding. All guarantees are strictly between the buyer and seller. Original Papers must be provided by the Seller to Clark Management Company in order for any horse to be sold as a Registered horse.
In further consideration by participating in the Cody Horse Sale, I agree to indemnify and defend the Clark Management Company, Jake and Kay Clark and the Best of the Rockies Committee, their agents and associates, from all injury, loss of equipment, loss of animal or damages to myself, my animals or damages or injury to others or lien property from my animals or any animals purchased, and agree that I have reviewed, inspected, ridden and established that I shall bid and/or buy any animal at my discretion and understand that the guarantees or warranties of any horse purchased at the Cody Horse Sale in Cody, Wyoming to any buyer or for any consignor is solely a purchase agreement between the buyer and the seller/consignor and that Clark Management Company, Jake and Kay Clark and the Best of the Rockies Committee, their agents and associates are strictlying acting as a pass thru company and guarantees of any kind are between only the buyer and the consignor/seller of any animals sold.
By purchasing a horse at the Cody Horse Sale, I verify that I have read the above Information and hereby agree to be bound by them.