Smoking Warrior Half Drafts. "A brand of Pre Historic Legend"
Smoking Warrior half drafts is owned by the Harris Family in Northwestern Wyoming. We are a working cattle, horse breeding & training ranch. I grew up ranching the extremely remote and high mountainous areas of Nevada. Working horses has been a part of my life from the very beginning. At 4 days old my mom had me bundled to her chest as she rode horses working our family owned ranch. By 3 years old I was riding my own horse, a great sorrel, poco bueno mare, named Sandy. Stepping up next to a skipper W bred, palomino named Pally who taught all 6 of us kids to ride. We ranched from above timberline to the low desert country where we wintered our herds. We lived 100 miles from the nearest town and all our cow work was done from the back of a horse. Growing up we worked every aspect of the ranch right beside Mom and Dad. This created a desire in me to raise my future family in the exact same environment. I wanted to work right beside my wife and kids day by day. Knowing I wasn't going to inherit money or land, it became my mission to beat what everyone said was impossible. To start with nothing, and acquire enough money to buy a true working cattle ranch big enough to raise my family. After high School with $500 dollars in my bank account I started a company in the oilfield. 10 years and 2 additional businesses later my wife and I purchased our current cattle and horse ranch. On this ranch lies a huge boulder with a very unique and special Indian petroglyph carved into it. One spring day I had a nationally recognized archaeologist doing some work on the ranch. I asked him about this hidden petroglyph and if he knew about it. His response was, "of course I do! The indian depicted in the rock art is a legend of all legendary indians, We believe he was a very widely known and famous Warrior"
The uniqueness of this petroglyph we have never seen before in all our viewings throughout the west. The great crow warrior depicted carries a very long steel pointed spear, wears extremely long hair, and feathers are braided into his horse's tail. In the petroglyph he has many lines passing behind him indicating battles survived or opponents killed. However, the most unique part of all this, is that the horse he rides is branded! This same brand has been found depicted on three indian ponies. Here on our Ranch, in Montana, and on a buffalo robe all the way in England. The brand depicts smoke coming out of a teepee lodge. We believe this Crow Warrior was a legend who carved his petroglyph showing his life's legacy and was proud to place his brand, identifying himself and his line of horses. It's amazing to realize he and his horses were ridden right through and even camping on our ranch in ancient times, and to be the location where he chose the boulder to place his life's sketch upon. We hope you will find great respect and honor sharing the opportunity to ride a horse branded the same as such a legendary figure of prehistoric times. We breed our draft crosses to be the best they can be. Our Registered Shire stud was selected after viewing draft studs from all across the nation. We selected traits of rideability, disposition, keen head, great muscle and huge bone. We chose a shire stud for many reasons and one of the top reasons is its comfort in riding. Most drafts are too wide, and the common complaint from draft cross riders is that they feel like they are straddling a 50 gallon drum. Many drafts also get slightly shorter legs than preferred and are very rough riding. Our shire stud is leggy, smooth, and not wide. He himself is a dream to ride and his colts carry a trait of not being wide but very pleasant to ride all day long, carrying good long legs with lots of bone and incredible dispositions. We ride our horses constantly working the ranch and in the mountains. Our horses are not foaled in stalls nor do they live their life eating hay out of a manger. They are born and raised on natural native land. This means the foals learn naturally how to move through the brush, rocks, trees, creeks, and learn in a herd environment. With that you can find confidence that our colts can grow into, tried and true, successful, trainable, reliable, rock solid using horses that have grown up accustomed to all natural elements. Take the opportunity to buy one of our draft colts and "Ride a brand of prehistoric legend!"