Thoreson, Cole
Thoreson, Cole

Hi there! We are Cole & Gabby Thoreson of Heart X Quarter Horses, LLC. We are family owned and operated, raising and training the American Quarter Horse. We pride ourselves on raising tried and true ranch and rope horses. Our program consists of six breeding age stallions and about 40 broodmares. Located in Dillon, MT, our mares foal out and raise their babies under the big sky. These horses are something our great and great, great grandfathers would have been seen riding, big, raw, pretty horses. You will see bloodlines in our program such as, Blue Valentine, Joe Hancock, Mr Pete Oswald, High Rolling Roany, Drifts Chip & more. We look forward to meeting you at this year’s sale! Cole, Gabby, Lula, & Cord Thoreson. 

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