Ibach, Kimberly
Ibach, Kimberly

A Wyoming resident since 1992, Kimberly is bringing her vision of working with a team of ladies who love to ride in varying venues and circumstances. Kim is more of the financier in this operation and Paradise Valley Training (Mollie Davis) and Sagebrush Sara (trainer of horses and people) are more of the real cowgirl deal. These two ladies take good care of every horse that crosses their path as well as the humans. Their ability to soften any horse and work through a natural and realistic style of horsemanship is very admirable. These two ladies wrangle cattle, train horses, and continue to work on local farms and ranches in the heart of Wyoming. The results from their hard work and daily interaction with horses and their training is the gold standard. Kim's story includes various autoimmune issues and genetic muscle/nerve disorders among other things. As Kim's physical condition deteriorated over several decades, her goal has been to find and breed horses that can carry anybody who is as wobbly as her in the saddle. In starting this venture, several horses under Kim's custodial care are on working ranches from Wyoming up to South Dakota. Our girl team might not have awards and recognitions as the other consignors present in this sale, but we are ladies who are cowboy tough and know what goes into making a good horse. Kim still rides and some days are better than others, but she is honored to be in good company with this group.

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