Rattan, Steve
Rattan, Steve

With over four decades immersed in the equine industry, Steve Rattan stands as a seasoned luminary. Throughout his remarkable journey spanning more than 40 years, Steve has witnessed horses he initiated reach the finals of the NCHA Futurity, excel at the NFR, and serve as exceptional mounts for individuals nationwide. His expertise extends beyond horsemanship; Steve holds certifications at the highest levels, offering both Western and English riding lessons. Furthermore, he is a certified therapeutic riding instructor, showcasing a breadth of knowledge in assisting diverse riders.

Steve's life has been a tapestry of experiences in the saddle, from ranching and cutting to roping. The vast expanse of the mountains has been a second home, with Steve accumulating more horseback miles than most can fathom. Notably, he has managed two distinct outfitting businesses, one in the rugged terrains of Alaska and the other in the picturesque landscapes of Colorado.

In Steve's philosophy, the art of horsemanship revolves around the concept that slow, deliberate work paves the way for swift, confident progress in training. Whether it's ranching, cutting, or roping, he believes in nurturing a partnership that lasts a lifetime. For Steve, there's no shortcut in the process of developing a mount that brings joy and fulfillment for years to come. Join Steve Rattan in the pursuit of equine excellence — where each stride is a testament to a lifetime of dedication.

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